oh hello bentCVX
There comes a time where you are so bent, you just get CVX’d.
Today, we roll out the first phase of our CVX integrations, bentCVX.
What can you do?
1/ mint bentCVX by depositing (converting) CVX
Why would you do that ser?
2/ deposit into the bentCVX curve LP (bentCVX/CVX), stake it on bent and earn a juicy APR 🌈 🦄
Cool, but whats coming next?
3/ single staked bentCVX (Staked bentCVX)
Stake bentCVX and you earn the usual rewards from Convex (cvxCRV + any additional incentives) + 10% of the Bent’s Platform earnings + BENT tokens on top 🌈 🦄
nice… now what
4/ staked BENT voting on Convex
Users with a staked BENT balance will soon be able to control the bentCVX voting power and vote on Convex Finance (more details to come on this shortly). Oh and don’t forget BENT stakers also receive 6% platform’s earnings paid in native tokens.
5/ Airdrop
This is getting closer and information will be dropped soon
As always,
🌈 🦄
BENT Token Contract: 0x01597e397605bf280674bf292623460b4204c375
bentCVX Contract: 0x9e0441e084f5db0606565737158aa6ab6b970fe0
Website: https://bentfinance.com
Medium: https://bentfi.medium.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BENT_Finance
Telegram: https://t.me/BentFi
Discord: https://discord.gg/vyhE8RQTeu
Github: https://github.com/bent-protocol
Tokenomics: https://docs.bentfinance.com/general-information/tokenomics